Thursday, January 28, 2016

1 Samuel 8

My beloved in Christ.

The world is coming to know difficult times, but as we know they are the beginning of sorrows, the world may not.

Through the period of Judges Israel cried out for God and turned away. He cast them down for disobedience and brought them up for being obedient, until they finally decided to need a king.
The title of this post illustrates how God warned His people of their desire rather than honoring him.

Since those ancient days God delivered on His first promise of Genesis 3:15 by delivering us His son Jesus the Christ. For 2000+ years Christians have known and believed Christ as the Eternal King.  Just as the world is unaware that this is the time of the beginning of sorrows many Christians seem to have been dulled to Christ's return. Many are unaware that Jesus prayed to the Father to send us the Holy Spirit which was accomplished on the day of Pentecost. God's Holy Spirit remains with us and He advises us in how to be victorious in Christ's offered salvation.

This morning a scripture was prompted to me.  It was Ephesians 2: 1-3.

Before I offered myself to Christ I was  lost in the ways of man's political endeavors. Truly following on every word mentioned about politics left me frustrated, enraged and willing to be combative almost instantaneously for disagreement. Praise be to Jesus I am no longer in that darkness.

Now our hope in Christ is based on promises made by the Father to the children of Israel.  One of those promises is that we are cleansed of all our sin.  In God's manner He remembers our sin no more.  We however are not permitted to forget our sins.  Regret can and does keep us humble.

For many years I have seen our country going the wrong way and until offering myself to God in Jesus I thought one voice of common sense could change it. As much as I tried to pronounce what I knew it only seemed to fall on deaf ears. Since I have offered myself to Christ I know that as a country we are willfully disobedient to God's will and His natural laws.

Our American Constitution was written by God fearing men. They were smart enough to know that liberty came from God and they didn't need a King claiming divinity.  All since that time we have come to be comforted in knowing the blessing of our Presidents and tranquil transfer of power dictated by our republic. Much of this has been overseen by a constitutionally privileged free press. They were charged with keeping an eye on the powerful and elected to insure freedom of the individual from tyranny.

Lately the tranquility has become more hostile than at any other time before.  It has become this way because the media once privileged to insure our individual freedom has abdicated the duty and become greedy for ratings, power, privilege and money. Instead of reporting news they offer agenda driven opinions of political ideology.  All the while Satan has been behind the scenes manipulating sin every so delicately while justifying the sin as profitable information dispersal.

The prince of the power of the air, the spirit that know worketh in the children of disobedience.

Be also aware of Paul's warning in 2nd Corinthians 11: 13-15

For such are false apostles deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ  And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

What as a country can we expect for endorsing disobedience to God?

In the time of the judges, God gave his children to their enemies for their disobedience.

I believe if anything will be this country's salvation it will only if we repent and turn to God.  No man without faith in God will lead us to His merciful blessings  as we face the times of trouble just ahead of us.

We've already endured 7 years of a President's leadership worthy of God's wrath for disobedience.
Is Satan knowing he is short on time?  Of course he is. People living in the dark would appear as false apostles. Those that are powerful and greedy would be willing to control the whole world just as they believe they do, saying whatever a people turned away from God were hungry to hear.

Deals have been made to work within our once tranquil process of transferring peace.  Is it beyond wisdom to accept that those in the media, so greedy for power wouldn't be willing to conspire so as to keep control of our countries leadership?  Would a former media player in the business of Real Estate want to become the new leader of an ever growing corruption within our country?  Could it be facilitated by an appearance of awesome leadership skills with a tremendous material success to back up the boastful character presented?

Did not our eternal King Jesus warn us of wolves clothed as sheep?  Did he not also say that we cannot serve two masters?  When a man will claim to get things done by cutting deals might he not be dancing with the devil?

2 Timothy 4:2-4

Preach the word; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap onto themselves teachers, having itching ears; 
And they shall turn away from their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

When a nation in peril because of disobedience seeks a King, we were told what to expect. A king will say 'I will' for every promise he issues.  A President however, will lead a people by the Constitution into Liberty based upon being turned to God. A president will act in the general welfare of those he leads. God inspired our founders to write the words of Liberty to be the Shining City on a Hill.

Ask God to show you the truth of the vote you are about to cast. Ask for discernment through the deceptions of a once noble profession.  The media is under control of the Prince of the Power of the Air.  We cannot be convinced of learning with itching ears.

Our greatness is in the Almighty hands of God until Jesus returns to be our one true KING.

Peace and Blessings
