I didn't vote this past General Election.
I was certain that Donald Trump would win the election.
Here is why:
Hillary Clinton sought to grow the New World Order.
A type of oligarchy that controls all of what the little people do or say.
God's prophecy clearly states that the Roman Empire would be the last to rule before the end.
So plainly stated, no New World Order.
Donald Trump is a business man as well as a showman. He believes in his own way of doing things and quite honestly he doesn't care if he is offends anyone.
Our country has been in a darkening reality since the 9-1-1 attacks.
War seems to be endless, corruption, betrayal and moral decay permeates our culture.
Our economy hasn't recovered from the financial collapse of 07. The wealthy aren't interested in risk taking which would spur the economy. Those that are investing have plenty of competition to pay low wages.
Even the ACA legislation has produced problems none can figure out for any type of less expensive success. Class, race, gender and political division tear us apart with no potential of a bridge to unity anywhere. After seven plus years of weary hope, change from despair was demanded.
The 1st faith of old America had been diminished.
Christendom had been compromised by all of the enemies onslaughts,
temptations and distractions. But when Americans finally had enough many prayed for
relief of never ending politically correct insanity. Prayers were answered by President Elect Donald Trump.
There is a saying,
"Be careful of what you ask for you just may get it".
The bible warns the children of Israel what they will get in asking for a king.
1 Samuel 8: 7-19.
Paul tells us that the Old Testament Stories were written for our ensamples.
1 Corinthians 10:11.
Many but not all folks supporting Trump in the election were evangelicals.
I believe a report I saw for Evangelical turnout for Trump was an astonishing 84%.
Those in the establishment powers that tried to reinvent our culture as well as redefine our character have spoon fed us into accepting a morality which is not written in God's word. Anyone rejecting the forced change was ostracized, bullied, persecuted against 1st amendment protections as though the 1st amendment didn't exist. Years of abuse finally gave the masses one common goal and that was enough to rebuke the tyranny.
While those praying to God sought delivery, they did so while hoping in a man claiming he was the way to our salvation as a country. Does God use such men? You bet he does. Even the men that don't recognize God's supreme authority concerning the affairs of humanity.
Isaiah 44:28
Will America continue to pray or are they satisfied with the outcome and now gone back after the secular concerns of Laodician living? Donald Trump claims to believe in God, but in his belief he believes he has no need to be forgiven. He said this not me.
Do I believe God is using President Elect Trump for His creation?
Most assuredly I do believe it. What I also believe is that America needs to repent from its laziness.
America needs to renew its faith for the blessings of all that God does.
The children of Israel went through cyclical seasons of worshiping God and turning away from Him.
They had plenty and lost much time and again, over and over. If America doesn't rise to the blessings God has granted and do His work as once done, we'll encounter the same struggles that Israel endured, but in a very short amount of time.
Our world is like the toes of the clay and iron feet depicted in Daniel's prophetic interpretation to Nebuchadnezzar. Will we be as in the days of Noah filled with evil, or will we be doing the work of the master?
I neglect to mention a second reason why I was sure of Donald Trump's victory. I haven't be told to reveal it in this venue just now. I'm sure it won't be long. Knowing that the New World Order will never rise is more than enough for now.
Just because some feel as though victory is achieved, do not presume that it will be permitted long if it is taken for granted.. Satan's time is short and Jesus could be coming at any time.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Monday, October 10, 2016
A Sinner's Praise
Father God,
Thank you for making yourself known through your son Jesus.
I pray my hands grasp your mastery during the labor of my days.
Bless you for your ever present watch covering my rest from exhaustion.
Establish your wisdom in my mind
facing the crooked thinking around me.
Let me bask in your peace amidst the chaos of this world.
Strengthen me while my physical body weakens,
and let your grace temper my judgment.
Make your mercy my hope in all desperation.
Guide my steps in all thy will
for all I do is appreciation by what you have done for me
in this Great Controversy.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Adopted twice, Unconditionally loved.
I am now
grateful to my parents for their extraordinary kindness and unconditional love.
The epitome, if you will, of a prodigal child. As privileged as I was for being
adopted, my rebellious tendency was as I
reckon, more of a reaction to an inability to receive approval my parents
weren’t equipped to offer, at least not in the manner I needed or sought.
If there is
any responsibility of blame it can only be attributed to man’s ultimate enemy
being Satan, or the devil. Anyone willing to offer unconditional love required
for adopting any child will tell you of how much our enemy hates it. Money,
time, frustration and victimization are all aspects of the process. These troubles only arise when Satan seeks to
prevent the willful loving of God by His children through an expression of
unconditional love.
spiritual reality written of now was never really present in former years. We did the Christmas/Easter thing as
disenfranchised Catholics. God however wasn’t the central focus of our growing
as a family. Through my years I found a
great hypocrisy by those who claimed to be faithful. I made no secret in letting my feelings be known
to people of the cloth.
my own confidence and self-righteousness matched with stubbornness led to a
very dark place. I made many poor decisions for a person of privilege. I’m not proud of any of these decisions, but
as I come to know my relationship with God through Jesus I can begin to see how
the poor decisions brought me to a place which is perfectly suitable for where
God wants me now.
When I
realized the reality of the darkness resulting from poor decisions, my options
only existed with depending on others rather than my foolish self. My disbelief of man’s possession of truth was
validated on convenience, materialism and wealth accumulation. I continued to
reject God until I heard preaching that made sense. I began study of God’s word
with a great curiosity and urgency.
In reflection
the rebuke of Jesus to Satan mentioning that man shall not live on bread alone,
but by every word of God really was the transformation that worked within
me. The more I read the more all social
problems made sense. I began to see the
light and I wanted more voltage to be a brighter light.
In Scripture
Paul speaks of adoption.
Romans 8:15,
23 Romans 9:4, Galatians 4:5, Ephesians 1:5
For ye have not received the spirit
of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby
we cry, Abba, Father.
And not only they, but ourselves
also, which have the first-fruits of the Spirit, even we groan within
ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
Who are Israelites; to whom
pertaineth the adoption, and the glory of the covenants, and the giving of the
law, and the service of God, and the promises,
To redeem them that were under the
law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.
Having predestinated us unto the
adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure
of his will,
I am not
sure when these scriptures came alive for me, but I am glad they did.
I guess the
world teaches us to compare ourselves with others always seeking to be the
Because I
was a stubborn individual, the things that interested me became my focus. Any of these focuses allowed me to excel in
comparison to others. My confidence in
my own abilities was my stumbling block because the world presumed the same
confidence to be arrogance. What amazed
me was the very thing the world sought, they’d reject even though I delivered
that which they sought. My lack of humility made the very ground I stood on a
trap for envy. The fact that I cared
little for feelings of others or materialistic sensibilities others cherished
made life a difficult journey to worldly success.
Life wears
on us all. Our age diminishes our
vitality, injuries of the past become prohibitions of the present. Guilt of failings, regret of lost
opportunities all work together to make desperation an unwelcome friend.
The purpose
I thought to be my own no longer made any sense. Faced with the fact that my
life was finite I wondered why I was given a chance at life others had not
received. Abortions had been an acceptable form of birth control in my
lifetime. My life as lived didn’t amount to any type of redeeming contribution to
The adoption
into God’s family for others than those of Israel came through Jesus Christ’s
passion and sacrifice for all men. Israel hadn’t become what God intended.
Abram later known as Abraham received God’s first promise to be the father of
multitudes. God also promised to bless those who blessed Abraham and his
offspring, and curse them that cursed Abraham and his offspring. Many other
promises from God to men were made in later generations of Abraham’s line. All have been kept.
As a servant
of Jesus we are adopted into God’s family. God loves all his children, but
blesses those that know Him and His law. This is how unconditional love
transforms those that accept Christ because they understand that the love of
Jesus is redeeming to God and his eternal nature.
Once anyone
becomes a child of God the things and concerns of this world’s importance don’t
remain important. They become secondary
to God’s desire.
While the
world seeks immediate gratification to the nature of self-importance an
unexpected pregnancy becomes problematic. Procedures such as abortion become
justified in seeking self-important living because of the liability and burden
children are deemed to be in our culture.
This world’s
notion of love is about the utopia of foolishness people desire. This world’s love isn’t based on sacrifice of
service, but rather getting along for the sake of convenient and expedient living
of the self-righteous and self-determined people. The moral relativism people
hold onto can’t compare with God’s with the integrity and moral character God
God wishes
that none of His children would perish and offers an adoption to a fallen
world. In order to receive this adoption
we must desire to know God through His son Jesus and in becoming part of His
family we are inheritors of all his promises. By rejecting this adoption we
become the thrown away barred from His kingdom yet to come. Much like aborted
children of the self-determined and self-righteous people don’t become because
of the choice not to abide God’s commandments.
I am
thankful for my earthly adoptive parents, but I am forever grateful for my
adoptive Father in Heaven.
All sins
save rejecting the Holy Spirit of God are forgivable and forgiven through
confession and repentance. That is the
promise of unconditional Love only God can give. Those in His family share such
grace by His mercy because they understand justice is God’s to determine.
By the way, those that adopt unwanted children are covered in doing unto the least of these and thereby making their own salvation a certainty in God’s kingdom to come.
Peace and Blessings
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Probation Hotel
The Spirit of the Lord has been upon me.
For years I have been led to providing a means for the undesired in life.
Several years ago I thought greatly about a way to help the homeless.
The idea came to me just as the bottom was falling out just before the TARP Bailouts.
The homeless are still a problem, but now I am put into a position to face the hard reality of seeking residence for parolees getting out of prison. Being a convict and trying to re-establish a normal life without opportunity of employment or residence is a mighty mountain.
If those in prison have paid a debt for wrongdoing, how does it make sense for the general population to continue punishment? Truly as I embrace an empathy for this reality I wonder just how many really participate in forgiveness.
Wouldn't be a great idea to retain possession of an old vacant hotel and update it for the use of a halfway house for parolees released into a free world assisting them back into civil life? This idea facilitates efficiency for the corrections systems, and local communities. It also offers protection to both parolees from re-offending, and the public from not having to be unforgiving as neighbors.
I'm praying on this everyday and through the days.
All I know is as God put it on my heart, he'll see to the provision.
Peace and Blessings
For years I have been led to providing a means for the undesired in life.
Several years ago I thought greatly about a way to help the homeless.
The idea came to me just as the bottom was falling out just before the TARP Bailouts.
The homeless are still a problem, but now I am put into a position to face the hard reality of seeking residence for parolees getting out of prison. Being a convict and trying to re-establish a normal life without opportunity of employment or residence is a mighty mountain.
If those in prison have paid a debt for wrongdoing, how does it make sense for the general population to continue punishment? Truly as I embrace an empathy for this reality I wonder just how many really participate in forgiveness.
Wouldn't be a great idea to retain possession of an old vacant hotel and update it for the use of a halfway house for parolees released into a free world assisting them back into civil life? This idea facilitates efficiency for the corrections systems, and local communities. It also offers protection to both parolees from re-offending, and the public from not having to be unforgiving as neighbors.
I'm praying on this everyday and through the days.
All I know is as God put it on my heart, he'll see to the provision.
Peace and Blessings
Saturday, April 9, 2016
HB-2 Charlotte and Gommorah
As a resident of North Carolina it should be easy to understand why I'd choose to comment on the national focus our state is receiving concerning a perverse and ridiculous clause within an effort to bring equality to the people.
North Carolina's electorates went to the current occupant of the White House because of the voting tendency within the Charlotte population. It is otherwise known as a red state. That being said it is no wonder that the minority clause allowing a transgendered person to use the bathroom facility according to the manner in which they dress or present themselves to the public found its way into an otherwise acceptable form of legislation of a municipal body. As a presented city legislation, it directly challenged the state authority by undermining what a larger body of legislators thought to be unwise. The state quickly convened and after three readings accepted a law which does not identify with Charlotte's liberal and perverse intention to assuage a deficit concerning inequality towards the people.
According to the news from Charlotte some 20+ events are now being rethought for scheduling within Charlotte. Non essential travel to North Carolina is being adhered to by other states that support the minority desires of the LBGT groups. An estimate of some 12,000+ hotel room reservations for multiple nights is now being factored into the decision for economic awareness.
The city of Charlotte has stated that it needs another 125 police officers. The city council is wondering where these funds will come from and debating whether or not to appropriate money from other first responding agencies such as the fire department for this urgent need. It is urgent! Each morning you turn on the news from Charlotte don't be surprised of a shooting or multiple shootings being reported as news. The city of Charlotte would rather make social injustice more of an issue to espouse rather than violent crime.
One would expect famous idiot celebrities and politically correct businesses to hold economic leverage against the state body of legislators as punishment for their reprobate concerns. There is however a staggering amount of Pastors and Church Leadership coming to chastise the state for undoing the ridiculous permission of perversity within the Queen City of Charlotte.
I would urge these churches to read and pray over Galatians 1: 7-9, in which the Apostle Paul has very harsh words for those proclaiming to teach God's word.
For the congregation I'd urge a reading and study of Romans Chapter 1. Also read 1st Corinthians 10: 3-6.
The media is placing fear on the deceived by mentioning economic losses associated to being catastrophic by standing firm against the minority reprobates that do not understand the natural order of genders. They would shame us into being haters of mans' love for one another rather than to be humbled for God's love for us in obeying His ways of comporting our behaviors of a private nature for public ridicule.
I have repeatedly tried to point out how the media betrays the individual protections for agendas driven by the corrupt and powerful. See my writing "Hypocronance".
I firmly believe that supernatural forces are preventing folks from knowing the true intentions of media manipulation so as to advance the announcement of the New World Order. An awareness has taken root that the media lies to us. I am glad for this, but until the viewer realizes that they in watching the media are equal in the blame of the betrayal, the media will continue to betray us with what they deem as news worthy.
Unless we shut them off and make them pay attention based on decreased ratings, we will have no leverage.
Truly the media is an addiction tantalizing us with information suited as man's wisdom, otherwise known as foolishness to God.
This boycotting of North Carolina is only a test of things to come concerning what we will tolerate before departing from our path of eternal salvation. If the media, idiot celebrities, politically correct corporations and false prophet ministries can convince you that the perversity of transgendered rights is a social injustice you'd better begin worrying for your eternal salvation. God's justice will settle all wickedness in this world. You don't want to be of those workers of iniquity towards God's natural truths.
Make straight the way of the Lord, He is knocking at the door.
Peace and Blessings to the body of Christ's Church.
North Carolina's electorates went to the current occupant of the White House because of the voting tendency within the Charlotte population. It is otherwise known as a red state. That being said it is no wonder that the minority clause allowing a transgendered person to use the bathroom facility according to the manner in which they dress or present themselves to the public found its way into an otherwise acceptable form of legislation of a municipal body. As a presented city legislation, it directly challenged the state authority by undermining what a larger body of legislators thought to be unwise. The state quickly convened and after three readings accepted a law which does not identify with Charlotte's liberal and perverse intention to assuage a deficit concerning inequality towards the people.
According to the news from Charlotte some 20+ events are now being rethought for scheduling within Charlotte. Non essential travel to North Carolina is being adhered to by other states that support the minority desires of the LBGT groups. An estimate of some 12,000+ hotel room reservations for multiple nights is now being factored into the decision for economic awareness.
The city of Charlotte has stated that it needs another 125 police officers. The city council is wondering where these funds will come from and debating whether or not to appropriate money from other first responding agencies such as the fire department for this urgent need. It is urgent! Each morning you turn on the news from Charlotte don't be surprised of a shooting or multiple shootings being reported as news. The city of Charlotte would rather make social injustice more of an issue to espouse rather than violent crime.
One would expect famous idiot celebrities and politically correct businesses to hold economic leverage against the state body of legislators as punishment for their reprobate concerns. There is however a staggering amount of Pastors and Church Leadership coming to chastise the state for undoing the ridiculous permission of perversity within the Queen City of Charlotte.
I would urge these churches to read and pray over Galatians 1: 7-9, in which the Apostle Paul has very harsh words for those proclaiming to teach God's word.
For the congregation I'd urge a reading and study of Romans Chapter 1. Also read 1st Corinthians 10: 3-6.
The media is placing fear on the deceived by mentioning economic losses associated to being catastrophic by standing firm against the minority reprobates that do not understand the natural order of genders. They would shame us into being haters of mans' love for one another rather than to be humbled for God's love for us in obeying His ways of comporting our behaviors of a private nature for public ridicule.
I have repeatedly tried to point out how the media betrays the individual protections for agendas driven by the corrupt and powerful. See my writing "Hypocronance".
I firmly believe that supernatural forces are preventing folks from knowing the true intentions of media manipulation so as to advance the announcement of the New World Order. An awareness has taken root that the media lies to us. I am glad for this, but until the viewer realizes that they in watching the media are equal in the blame of the betrayal, the media will continue to betray us with what they deem as news worthy.
Unless we shut them off and make them pay attention based on decreased ratings, we will have no leverage.
Truly the media is an addiction tantalizing us with information suited as man's wisdom, otherwise known as foolishness to God.
This boycotting of North Carolina is only a test of things to come concerning what we will tolerate before departing from our path of eternal salvation. If the media, idiot celebrities, politically correct corporations and false prophet ministries can convince you that the perversity of transgendered rights is a social injustice you'd better begin worrying for your eternal salvation. God's justice will settle all wickedness in this world. You don't want to be of those workers of iniquity towards God's natural truths.
Make straight the way of the Lord, He is knocking at the door.
Peace and Blessings to the body of Christ's Church.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
1 Samuel 8
My beloved in Christ.
The world is coming to know difficult times, but as we know they are the beginning of sorrows, the world may not.
Through the period of Judges Israel cried out for God and turned away. He cast them down for disobedience and brought them up for being obedient, until they finally decided to need a king.
The title of this post illustrates how God warned His people of their desire rather than honoring him.
Since those ancient days God delivered on His first promise of Genesis 3:15 by delivering us His son Jesus the Christ. For 2000+ years Christians have known and believed Christ as the Eternal King. Just as the world is unaware that this is the time of the beginning of sorrows many Christians seem to have been dulled to Christ's return. Many are unaware that Jesus prayed to the Father to send us the Holy Spirit which was accomplished on the day of Pentecost. God's Holy Spirit remains with us and He advises us in how to be victorious in Christ's offered salvation.
This morning a scripture was prompted to me. It was Ephesians 2: 1-3.
Before I offered myself to Christ I was lost in the ways of man's political endeavors. Truly following on every word mentioned about politics left me frustrated, enraged and willing to be combative almost instantaneously for disagreement. Praise be to Jesus I am no longer in that darkness.
Now our hope in Christ is based on promises made by the Father to the children of Israel. One of those promises is that we are cleansed of all our sin. In God's manner He remembers our sin no more. We however are not permitted to forget our sins. Regret can and does keep us humble.
For many years I have seen our country going the wrong way and until offering myself to God in Jesus I thought one voice of common sense could change it. As much as I tried to pronounce what I knew it only seemed to fall on deaf ears. Since I have offered myself to Christ I know that as a country we are willfully disobedient to God's will and His natural laws.
Our American Constitution was written by God fearing men. They were smart enough to know that liberty came from God and they didn't need a King claiming divinity. All since that time we have come to be comforted in knowing the blessing of our Presidents and tranquil transfer of power dictated by our republic. Much of this has been overseen by a constitutionally privileged free press. They were charged with keeping an eye on the powerful and elected to insure freedom of the individual from tyranny.
Lately the tranquility has become more hostile than at any other time before. It has become this way because the media once privileged to insure our individual freedom has abdicated the duty and become greedy for ratings, power, privilege and money. Instead of reporting news they offer agenda driven opinions of political ideology. All the while Satan has been behind the scenes manipulating sin every so delicately while justifying the sin as profitable information dispersal.
The prince of the power of the air, the spirit that know worketh in the children of disobedience.
Be also aware of Paul's warning in 2nd Corinthians 11: 13-15
For such are false apostles deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
What as a country can we expect for endorsing disobedience to God?
In the time of the judges, God gave his children to their enemies for their disobedience.
I believe if anything will be this country's salvation it will only if we repent and turn to God. No man without faith in God will lead us to His merciful blessings as we face the times of trouble just ahead of us.
We've already endured 7 years of a President's leadership worthy of God's wrath for disobedience.
Is Satan knowing he is short on time? Of course he is. People living in the dark would appear as false apostles. Those that are powerful and greedy would be willing to control the whole world just as they believe they do, saying whatever a people turned away from God were hungry to hear.
Deals have been made to work within our once tranquil process of transferring peace. Is it beyond wisdom to accept that those in the media, so greedy for power wouldn't be willing to conspire so as to keep control of our countries leadership? Would a former media player in the business of Real Estate want to become the new leader of an ever growing corruption within our country? Could it be facilitated by an appearance of awesome leadership skills with a tremendous material success to back up the boastful character presented?
Did not our eternal King Jesus warn us of wolves clothed as sheep? Did he not also say that we cannot serve two masters? When a man will claim to get things done by cutting deals might he not be dancing with the devil?
2 Timothy 4:2-4
Preach the word; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap onto themselves teachers, having itching ears;
And they shall turn away from their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
When a nation in peril because of disobedience seeks a King, we were told what to expect. A king will say 'I will' for every promise he issues. A President however, will lead a people by the Constitution into Liberty based upon being turned to God. A president will act in the general welfare of those he leads. God inspired our founders to write the words of Liberty to be the Shining City on a Hill.
Ask God to show you the truth of the vote you are about to cast. Ask for discernment through the deceptions of a once noble profession. The media is under control of the Prince of the Power of the Air. We cannot be convinced of learning with itching ears.
Our greatness is in the Almighty hands of God until Jesus returns to be our one true KING.
Peace and Blessings
The world is coming to know difficult times, but as we know they are the beginning of sorrows, the world may not.
Through the period of Judges Israel cried out for God and turned away. He cast them down for disobedience and brought them up for being obedient, until they finally decided to need a king.
The title of this post illustrates how God warned His people of their desire rather than honoring him.
Since those ancient days God delivered on His first promise of Genesis 3:15 by delivering us His son Jesus the Christ. For 2000+ years Christians have known and believed Christ as the Eternal King. Just as the world is unaware that this is the time of the beginning of sorrows many Christians seem to have been dulled to Christ's return. Many are unaware that Jesus prayed to the Father to send us the Holy Spirit which was accomplished on the day of Pentecost. God's Holy Spirit remains with us and He advises us in how to be victorious in Christ's offered salvation.
This morning a scripture was prompted to me. It was Ephesians 2: 1-3.
Before I offered myself to Christ I was lost in the ways of man's political endeavors. Truly following on every word mentioned about politics left me frustrated, enraged and willing to be combative almost instantaneously for disagreement. Praise be to Jesus I am no longer in that darkness.
Now our hope in Christ is based on promises made by the Father to the children of Israel. One of those promises is that we are cleansed of all our sin. In God's manner He remembers our sin no more. We however are not permitted to forget our sins. Regret can and does keep us humble.
For many years I have seen our country going the wrong way and until offering myself to God in Jesus I thought one voice of common sense could change it. As much as I tried to pronounce what I knew it only seemed to fall on deaf ears. Since I have offered myself to Christ I know that as a country we are willfully disobedient to God's will and His natural laws.
Our American Constitution was written by God fearing men. They were smart enough to know that liberty came from God and they didn't need a King claiming divinity. All since that time we have come to be comforted in knowing the blessing of our Presidents and tranquil transfer of power dictated by our republic. Much of this has been overseen by a constitutionally privileged free press. They were charged with keeping an eye on the powerful and elected to insure freedom of the individual from tyranny.
Lately the tranquility has become more hostile than at any other time before. It has become this way because the media once privileged to insure our individual freedom has abdicated the duty and become greedy for ratings, power, privilege and money. Instead of reporting news they offer agenda driven opinions of political ideology. All the while Satan has been behind the scenes manipulating sin every so delicately while justifying the sin as profitable information dispersal.
The prince of the power of the air, the spirit that know worketh in the children of disobedience.
Be also aware of Paul's warning in 2nd Corinthians 11: 13-15
For such are false apostles deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
What as a country can we expect for endorsing disobedience to God?
In the time of the judges, God gave his children to their enemies for their disobedience.
I believe if anything will be this country's salvation it will only if we repent and turn to God. No man without faith in God will lead us to His merciful blessings as we face the times of trouble just ahead of us.
We've already endured 7 years of a President's leadership worthy of God's wrath for disobedience.
Is Satan knowing he is short on time? Of course he is. People living in the dark would appear as false apostles. Those that are powerful and greedy would be willing to control the whole world just as they believe they do, saying whatever a people turned away from God were hungry to hear.
Deals have been made to work within our once tranquil process of transferring peace. Is it beyond wisdom to accept that those in the media, so greedy for power wouldn't be willing to conspire so as to keep control of our countries leadership? Would a former media player in the business of Real Estate want to become the new leader of an ever growing corruption within our country? Could it be facilitated by an appearance of awesome leadership skills with a tremendous material success to back up the boastful character presented?
Did not our eternal King Jesus warn us of wolves clothed as sheep? Did he not also say that we cannot serve two masters? When a man will claim to get things done by cutting deals might he not be dancing with the devil?
2 Timothy 4:2-4
Preach the word; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap onto themselves teachers, having itching ears;
And they shall turn away from their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
When a nation in peril because of disobedience seeks a King, we were told what to expect. A king will say 'I will' for every promise he issues. A President however, will lead a people by the Constitution into Liberty based upon being turned to God. A president will act in the general welfare of those he leads. God inspired our founders to write the words of Liberty to be the Shining City on a Hill.
Ask God to show you the truth of the vote you are about to cast. Ask for discernment through the deceptions of a once noble profession. The media is under control of the Prince of the Power of the Air. We cannot be convinced of learning with itching ears.
Our greatness is in the Almighty hands of God until Jesus returns to be our one true KING.
Peace and Blessings
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