Saturday, January 11, 2014

Familiar Spirits

Samuel 28:7

Then said Saul unto his servants,  Seek me a woman that has a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and enquire of her.  And his servants said to him,  Behold there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor.

My brethren, consider our culture today.  Look at the popularity of paranormal TV shows, and movies.
Read the entertaining books of sorcery and see the little children desire the powers of magic.
I ask of you, is this just entertainment?  When does the realm of entertainment become a prison removing us from God?

Acts 12:5

Peter was therefore kept in prison; but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.

There are many scriptures that inspire us to meditate and pray to God without ceasing.  So how do we find ourselves busy in these days focusing on demonology, sorcery and witchcraft as entertainment?  Where are the pastors of the Christ's church rebuking such interests?  If we can not hear the proper ministry of God's wisdom in what to avoid, do we accept the inequity of evil as entertainment?

How many children do you suppose know plainly of Harry Potter as opposed to the prophet Samuel, or any of the Apostles teaching us the words of God?  How many parents believe that reading accounts of Harry Potter are beneficial for the child's reading comprehension in secular standards of man's wisdom?
Do these parents not know that our culture's literary foundations was taught by scriptural study?
What of the truths of wisdom taught in proverbs?  Are they more important than Satanic rituals we seek that destroy souls of the curious?

In any of the paranormal movies available to watch, what is the end result?  Terrible death.  Why is there such a curiosity of wickedness in evil forces of nature?  Why is the fiction of good and bad as a never ending battle given up to the fiction of man's creation, rather than the truth most men consider as fictitious?

In the words God has given us, there is a unseen reality of a battle within the heaven above of good and evil.
There is also a clear warning given to the reader of God's words concerning His prophecy.
Revelation 22: 18-19

Why in your church do you not hear a clear and distinct rebuke of seeking with passion the things God says to be evil?  Has our culture become so self confident we assume that seeking our entertainment is acceptable rather than seeking a worthy relationship with God?

Do you read horoscopes daily, or do you read scripture?
Why do you focus on obituaries, rather than the words from the bread of life?

My brethren I urge you to go beyond the teachings of your church for your salvation.  Ministries today do not preach relevant subjects to avoid.  Our culture is immersed in sorcery, witchcraft, demonology, numerology and never ending humanism before the ceaseless meditation and praying to God for Salvation.

Familiar Spirits are eager to take residence in your heart.  It is the Spirit of God that is already in your heart which gets neglected for the pursuing the corrupt nature of flesh overseen by evil on this earth.
The Savior Jesus was complete in casting out demons.  Some Apostles did similarly, others had not the truth to do so.  If God's servants worked so diligently in casting out demons from the evil one, why then do you invite the familiar spirits into your heart?

Unprofited Prophet

1 comment:

  1. My sister Mary has authored a book which delves into this warning. It is a worthy read in a simple to understand experience of evil sought after.
    Here is the link:
