Friday, January 24, 2014

Foolish Men

Romans 2: 20

An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which have a form of knowledge and of truth in the law.

Corinthians 1: 19-20

For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring nothing to the understanding of the prudent.
Where is the wise, where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

It wasn't but just a few years ago that our country and the world determined a coming destruction for mankind's carbon footprint.  You recall former Vice President Al Gore and his predictions of the world ending.  He mentioned that polar ice caps would melt and the result would be flooding of coastal cities and low lying lands like Florida.  Don't you recall all the new legislation implemented to combat a problem that Al Gore wasn't sure could even save us?  Billions of dollars were appropriated to our condition of crisis.

This is the example spoken to in the first scripture within Romans.  Did you know Al Gore was a professor?
Aren't those that took his advice the babes with a form of knowledge in a truth of law man ascribed?

In Corinthians we are living in the destruction of wisdom from the formerly wise.  What can all those that claimed global warming as a truth say now?  Just this year we have seen two polar vortexes which are freezing the crops in low lying lands previously thought to be submerged from polar cap melting.

Where is the wise?  Where is the scribe?  Well there were scribes and wise men.  I was one of them and I did write of Al Gore's foolishness.  That writing was published in a book named Hypocronance.

The words are written on page 66-67.

Men or mankind lacking understanding of God's written word are highly susceptible to the foolish rantings of celebrity know it alls.

The leadership of our current president is unsatisfactory. By each day we live it becomes more apparent
that what was mentioned in 2010 in the same book is truth.  Today more folks are seeing the truth, and they are angry because they found themselves on the wrong side of truth revealed.  They wanted to believe that Obama was a great leader and voted their desire.  Now that they see they were wrong...  oh well nobody likes to be proven wrong.  But to suggest that Obama was less than a satisfactory leader when it wasn't known as I did, left me in a very unpopular position.  Many friends departed, as did family.  Have they
accepted the truth and sought to rebuild a relationship they cast away?  Not as of yet.

The climate control wasn't the only foolishness God laughed at for man's wisdom.
There are countless subjects on which scribes wrote of concerning man's folly.  But where were the scribes?
We were here, but we were ignored, or ridiculed, even blacklisted.
To this day the news that promoted Al Gore as godlike for his Nobel Peace Prize winning concerning climate
will say nothing of it while they report on frigid weather embracing the lower 48 states.
How many war theaters is our country in today?  Keep in mind Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for
what?  Peaceful Leadership?  That was even before he began to lead the country.

I have considered what is yet to come concerning our future.  I have not been instructed as to how to be specific, or I am to self interested in my own condition to be worthy of writing Holy Spirit gift of prophesy these days.  Maybe I am weakened as Jeremiah was, I am not sure.
Generally speaking the condition for men ahead isn't good.  I read the words of God and see our present actions coming alive in God's prophesy.  Our country and culture doesn't make the connection.  In fact they
hate the consideration of knowing God's words.

The four pillars on this earth that are under the control of the prince of the air (Satan) are politics, finance, education and religion.  The prince of the air has so much control in each of these pillars that any bottom-up correction seems impossible.  As Satan is the great deceiver, it is likely that the controlling influences of these pillars will begin to attack each other as chaos and confusion grow.  Then the time will be ripe for the antichrist to appear.  This false messiah will make peace, offer security, and satisfy the fears of men.
Then once he is ready to claim influence over people in confidence the need for the True King will arrive.

In history prophets were killed so the peoples could move ahead without being reminded of their error.
I am quite literally alive and rejected.  I am not upset or even mad for the rejection.  How could I be?
God uses us as He wills.  My needs are met even if I wish for better living.

I woke up this morning to walk my dogs, and as I shivered in the brutal cold; the Holy Spirit reminded me of Man's foolishness.  The foolishness of men people will no longer remember to mention.
I pray for Al Gore.  He might be a very lonely and wanting man in his 30,000 sq ft mansion living in Tennessee wondering about heating it in these bitterly cold days, making all of his once wise words completely foolish.

Here is a link of writing if you wish to test prophetic writings I speak to on this post.

Unprofited Prophet

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