Saturday, January 4, 2014

no more words...

For many years I've tried to explain things to come.
Since the words took no root, I've had to focus on imagery.
Seeing as our economy has been slowed to a snail's pace, I found I had a great amount of time I wished not to spend idle. 

Because I am all about exploiting applied energies I thought about all I was seeing in our culture.
TV has become a multi-course menu format of inanity, mysticism, paranormal wonder and anything that removes us from natural truths.  So I asked myself, what must be done to befriend and embrace a world so full of distractions?

News of politics isn't news anymore.  News of entertainment isn't entertaining as it once was when Hollywood was king.  We are immersed now in remakes of old stories bent on nostalgic feel goodism.

I noticed the antics of some celebrities, notably Miley Cyrus.  As I once saw Madonna go to mediocrity, I was hopeful to offer Miley's father a potential that may be redeeming for the young woman about to cast her life away.  I've emailed the man Billy Ray Cyrus at his Blue Cadillac webpage, but I fear it is likely not updated or visited.  My thinking was simple.

Since Miley likes to show her posterior as much as she does, she may as well make a business of the show.
I also though of this new word that is a buzz called 'Twerking'.  After I inquired the meaning of the word, I made an association of another trending cultural absurdity known as hand gesticulation made popular in the #Occupy days.  You know what I am talking about.... the sign that demonstrates loving an idea.
Two hands placed together to form a heart. 
The result and culmination of this nitwitt thinking became manifest and is seen below.

It took me about 50 hours to hand embroider this prototype.
Notice I included the rainbow coloration so as to be embracing of all folks appreciating fashion.

It was my idea to get a celebrity type like Miley to make an investment in this type of clothing line for a few reasons.  Miley could Twerk Luv without disrupting her current appetites, and develop a business that may someday be profitable to her.  She could effectively employ folks without work that possess sewing skills, for a personalized desired image pre-ordered from others wanting a unique piece offered by 'Love Twerk Apparel'.  The templates could be applied to the particular garment as ordered by the customer.

The only flaw to my thinking was in the networking approach.  I assumed that a guy with an Achy Breaky Heart had any sense to improve upon his daughter's future.  Never mind any of that, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The greater good lies in accomplishment for those with a skill set currently not being utilized.  The prototype is simple enough and so is the business idea.  In our current business climate something so simple could be the seeds needed to jump-start a pervasive growth, nobody else seems to accomplish.

Why Hollywood munchy crunchy types aren't grabbing up this idea, I can only assume they are as desperate as I thought.  I see once employed movie stars now doing stupid commercials as ambassadors for non profits, or spokespeople for the needy. 

What if one of these celebrity types saw the wisdom of such thinking as "Twerk Love Apparel' and put people back to work so that they would have a disposable income, thereby able to fund new creative screenplays so they could once again work towards for the sake of making America the land of Opportunity?

Just Twerk Love and tell the world it is on your ass!

Unprofited Prophet

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