Saturday, January 11, 2014

Spiritual Currency

Love is patient and kind, not jealous, not boastful, not proud, rude or selfish,
not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not gloat over other people's sins, but it does take delight in truth.
Love always bears up, always trusts, always hopes, always endures.

But for now, three things last---
trust, hope, love;
the greatest of these is love.
Pursue Love!

Many readers of God's Word know of these scriptures written by the Apostle Paul.
I wonder of those who know the words.  Knowing of such ideas is one thing, but applying them is another.

Our culture can be measured by these words of spiritual currency.
Unfortunately for our culture that measure won't be known as profitable by those charged in managing
a healthy and wealthy account for God's Kingdom to come.

Individually we may practice some traits of love's description, but as a people we have no common
agreement towards achieving the intention Paul was instructing us to practice.
If you turn on the news, what are the prevailing stories being reported?
Is truth delighted, or do we examine the failings of notable people?
What else do we see on our news?  Aren't the topics of coverage today usually about legislation, money, employment or rights?

Yesterday I read an email sent.
If you are uninterested in reading the link let me cover the subject.
A group of nuns, known as The Little Sisters of the Poor are the subject example.
These nuns look after the elderly and give them dignity at the end of their earthly existence.
They are resisting ACA legislation because of clauses in it, which go against their spiritual beliefs.

The article also expresses an opinion of what the government is doing and that it is a violation of
1st amendment rights.  I have personally interacted with the author by email in previous years and she is widely read by those claiming to be faithful.

The intention of standing up for The Little Sisters of the Poor is worthy.  To be sure this disagreement is one to pay attention of going forward.

The disagreement at hand becomes wider after the intention of standing up for the Little Sisters.
The wideness of the disagreement contains no spiritual currency.  In fact, the only currency pointed to is currency man makes important.

Money, property and liberty of expression are the values of concern.  The corrupting of these values comes by a false religion, or worship towards governance.  Even the faithful count monies lost in penalties for standing on principle.

The truth of our culture is not difficult to see.
A slight majority of people have chosen to put faith in government.  They are unaware of deceptions they accept in wrongly placed faith.  Either by ignorance of God's Word, or willing choice to dismiss the words of God, they believe that a government immersed in corruption can deliver love while hoping to trust the corruption as a benefactor.  Those of faith put the currency of man's importance forward as the contention of difference and nowhere can hope, trust and love of the Father be found.

The charitable and faithful service of The Little Sisters of the Poor is the red meat tossed into Colosseum of fleshy worship.

The Savior mentions serving God and serving money along with the failings of trying to serve both.
Matthew 6:24.  If that wasn't enough, the good doctor Luke diagnoses the same Luke 16: 9-13.  He makes the prognosis clear.  How do the faithful reconcile the wideness of the above disagreement to the Savior's instructions?

I am sure of one thing.  Our culture is immersed in currencies of man and not of God.  Faithful or not our culture demonstrates time and again that our interests are in the paranormal, sorcery and idolatry of self and of money.  Look at the TV shows on, look at the involvement of gaming in the virtual world.  Look at what our churches make important.  Isn't making contributions to churches and the like letting the left hand know what the right hand does?  Do we not report our contributions rather them keep them in secret?  How is any of this counted by those in heaven's charge of wealth considered?

Jeremiah warned Jerusalem to return to what God commanded.  He gave them warning over and over to his own detriment and it went unheeded to the cities overthrow and destruction.  Are we as a nation any different than a modern Jerusalem?  We are a debtor nation.  We have as a slight majority replaced the sovereign, almighty nature of God to a governance of men.  Even our faithful dispute the nature of man's currency rather than keep the currency of heaven.  Is our modern Babylon, China, or Russia?  Will our great Rome collapse from within?

What blessing from above can a nation count on receiving when the nation no longer looks to on high?
The issue of The Little Sisters of the Poor is adeptly being misconstrued by the prince of this earth.  Yes the devil, Satan is a scriptural lawyer that twists God's intention.  The actions of the righteous are made into fiery darts from the wicked as to ideas and manipulated reactions.  The faithful assume that the enemy is manifested as a government body full of evil doers.  What they have forgotten or misplaced is that the enemy is of principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

If our news reporters will not bring the light to those in the shadows of darkness in high places what can we expect except to remain ignorant?  What is our condition in ignorance?

Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou has rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shall be no priest to me: seeing as thou have forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

As great as the claim is of our country from the faithful in being faithful it is my warning that many will be counted as goats on the left hand come the day of judgement.  The Little Sisters of the Poor will go to the right for they do as Christ instructed.  Those widening the disagreement of this issue may think their actions are righteous for vitriolic support of the sisters.  To those of self deception the Savior will say, "I Never Knew You."

This nation of ours will not endure, no matter how much we wish it to be.  Our slight majority puts faith in the nation over God.  Those claiming to know God fight over fleshy currencies, and in no place apparent is there
trust, hope or love of God's promise found except in the quiet deeds of those being made as the read meat of our fleshy Colosseum of hateful ranting.

Embrace and pursue Love!

Unprofited Prophet

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