The more I see the works of our culture, and western culture in the globe, the more I am certain that our populations are whom Jesus was speaking to in the book of Revelation 3:14.
Media company's are owned by elite globalists that want to rule the world. News of the day always seems to imposing ridiculous thinking so as to make the world a better place. They dare never mention their purpose of world dominion, but they do call for turning away from the faith in God which brought our country to unimaginable wealthiness the world has never known.
These folks in the media believe that this world is their possession, and that this world should serve their narrow-minded thinking.
The media brings us political correctness from idiot celebrities, soul sold politicians and angry folks demanding injustice as justice. These days good is evil and evil is good, and if you say it isn't, you are an enemy.
Many folks claim to want to know the truth The only truth they do accept is the one they find comfortable. This comfortable truth appeases the growth of wickedness so that wickedness is part of the self proclaimed faithful's reality.
Many are undone by the Folly of #Hypocronance.
Consider our concerns with honesty, and then ask is any of it the business of serving God as Jesus instructed?
American and Western Nation instruction for the future stands alone in Revelation 3: 14-22.
Anything else is foolishness to God.
Peace and Blessings